
How to distinguish copper wire?

Copper wirehttps://www.buckcopper.com/copper-wire-electric-wire-specification-enameled-0-025mm-10-0mm-product/ is a cable dominated by copper content, with a composition of 99.90%~99.97%, which is difficult to distinguish with the human eye. In the case of buying copper wire, generally choose a cable with a smooth surface, no series product lines and too soft. The conductivity of copper wire is very good, and many of them are used to manufacture cables, cables, carbon brushes, etc.; good heat transfer, commonly used in the production of magnetic instruments and instrument panels that must be protected from magnetic effects, such as feng shui compass, Airline instrument panel, etc.; good plastic deformation, easy for pressing and cold working pressure production and processing, can be made into copper materials such as pipes, rods, wires, strips, strips, plates, foils, etc. There are two types of copper products: smelter products and processed products.
When purchasing copper wires, the ways of distinguishing copper wires are as follows:
1. Look at the plastic skin
The plastic skin of the reliable cable is soft and smooth, and the color tone is well-proportioned. On its surface, several items on the product qualification certificate should also be printed, such as: model specifications, company name production place, etc. In addition, the handwriting must be clear and not easy to erase. Fake and shoddy cables and cable sheaths seem to be very strong, but in fact most of them are made of recycled plastics for optical cables. Over time, the cable sheaths will become brittle and run out of electricity.
2. Look at the length
For the problem of whether the length is enough, you can first count the number of laps, then measure the length of each lap, and then multiply the length of each lap by the total number of laps, and the obtained data is the specific cable length.
3. Look at the product label
There is a certificate of conformity under the packaging bag. The content of the certificate of conformity should include: company name, place of manufacture, verification serial number, model specification, cable length, rated current, etc.
4. Look at the copper wire
When purchasing, you can cut off a small piece of plastic skin and check the copper wire inside. Lightly press the top of the copper wire with the palm of your hand. The copper core of the copper core cable that meets the standard should be dark purple, shiny and soft to the touch. The color of the copper wire of the reliable cable is bright and reddish, while the copper core of the counterfeit copper-copper core cable is purple-black, dark or purple, with a lot of residue, poor impact toughness, and poor ductility. breaks, and often breaks in the cable.

Post time: Oct-26-2022