
Copper alloy composition detection and characteristics

Copper alloy composition detection and characteristics? What are the detection methods of copper alloy composition? Copper alloy composition detection steps? What are the characteristics of copper alloy composition detection? The copper alloy composition we are talking about here mainly refers to the elements contained in the copper alloy, of course, including impurities. There must be copper in the composition of copper alloys, there is no doubt about this. Copper alloys mainly include brass, bronze and cupronickel. Red copper is not a copper alloy, but pure copper. There are two main methods for the detection of copper alloy composition. Different copper alloy composition detection methods have different characteristics. There are many instruments for the detection of copper alloy composition.
Copper alloy composition detection method?
1. Classical chemical analysis method: The most commonly used methods in classical chemical analysis are the titration method and the gravimetric method.
(1) Titration method: According to the different types of chemical reactions, titration methods are divided into acid-base titration, complexometric titration, redox titration and precipitation titration. According to the form of titration process and chemical reaction, titration methods are divided into direct titration, indirect titration, back titration, and displacement titration.
(2) Gravimetric method: The commonly used gravimetric methods for copper alloys include deep separation method, volatile separation method, electrolytic separation method and other separation methods. For example, silicic acid dehydration gravimetric method is commonly used to detect silicon, electrolytic gravimetric method to detect copper, and beryllium pyrophosphate gravimetric method to detect beryllium.
2. Instrumental analysis method: Instrumental analysis method can be divided into optical analysis method, electrochemical analysis method, chromatographic analysis method, etc. Among them, copper alloy mainly adopts optical analysis method and electrochemical analysis method. Among them, electrochemical analysis can be divided into potential analysis method, conductometric analysis method, electrolytic analysis method, Coulomb analysis method, polarographic analysis method, etc. according to the different electrical signals measured.

Post time: Jun-27-2022